Modding your Nerf blaster

First things first, I want to say that youtube is an incredible resource for learning to modifying any specific Nerf gun.  If you would like a specific step by step for a certain gun, that is the place to go.

However, this is the general process for modding a Nerf gun.

  1. Take the two halves of the gun apart.  This can generally be done with a small phillips-head screwdriver.
  2. Take a picture of the internal pieces.  Be careful not to move any of the parts before taking the photo.
  3. Remove the large spring.  Stretch this by about an inch to two inches.
  4. Replace the spring.

With a revolving barrel gun, follow these steps:

  • Pull the back of the barrel apart from the front.
  • Each dart slot has a small spring and an air restricter.
  • Pull out the air restricter.  Cut the center piece out of the rim.  Repeat this with every air restricter.
  • Replace the air restricters.  Throw away the scraps and the small springs.
  • Put the gun back together.

With a clip-system gun, follow these steps:

  • Identify the air restricter tube.  This is easily identified by finding the tube that isn’t part of the plunger system.
  • Pull this out and use a drill to break the air restricter out.
  • If the air restricter rotates inside its fitting when you drill it, pound it out with a screwdriver.
  • Replace the air restricter fitting.
  • Put the gun back together.

Note: this doesn’t work with all Nerf guns.