The Haunts of Minecraft

I recently started a new hardcore world.  The first thing I always do in a new world is chop some wood; wood is the essence of Minecraft survival.  I noticed a pool of water nearby, which had a single line of water blocks that were raised above the others, without any runoff to the rest of the pond.  Odd, I thought, and then I continued chopping.

Just as I was breaking through the second block of wood from a random tree trunk, a white “ghost” filled my screen, screamed at me, and died.  Nothing else; it didn’t attack me, move around, etc.

I was kinda spooked (for good reason), and I ran around the tree and the surrounding area in search for more ghosts.  None to be found.

So, I returned to my tree and resumed my chopping.  Except I didn’t.  I quickly discovered I could no longer destroy blocks of any kind.

The moral of the story: stay away from glitchy pools of water.  They indicate an unusual presence of apparitions, specters, and other haunts, which will render you utterly useless in hardcore worlds.

2 thoughts on “The Haunts of Minecraft

  1. Uh boy I can’t do hardcore. I don’t like the thought of sinking hundreds of hours into one world only to get stupidly knocked into a lava pit. That’s an interesting glitch though. You can no longer Chuck Norris trees :-)


    • That’s definitely true. I find hardcore fun because it is much more challenging; I often find my heart crashing in my chest while exploring caverns and such, just waiting for that hidden creeper to kamikaze me. I find it thrilling, but it’s definitely not for everyone, as it is fairly easy to lose one’s temper when that zombie spawns in the lit hallway and knocks you into the lava you’re trying to get the diamonds from. :)


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